ALCOHOL: Champagne, Cocktails & Calories
The Christmas season is upon us! And it has become a season – not just one day of indulgence with friends and family, but many days of parties, celebrations and casual get-togethers. Many people indulge not only in festive food but festive drinks as well. But what does that mean for those conscious of their weight? Does a glass of champagne or a few cocktails really matter? Sadly, yes!
Did you know half a bottle of red, white or sparkling wine contains about 1000kJ which is equivalent in calories to half a packet of lollies or 3 slices of bread?
To burn off just the calories in half a bottle of wine (not including what you might eat with the wine!) you would need to walk for hour at a fast pace, do an hour of vigorous house cleaning or one and a half hours of intense yoga!
So when you reach for another tipple this Christmas or New Year, just think how much more exercise you need to do to burn off those extra calories! Is it really worth it?
A guide to your favourite drink & required exercise is below. Each alcohol listed contains approximately 1000kJ, which will take about 1 hour of fast walking to burn off
2 heavy stubbies of beer
2 stubbies or cans low carb beer
2 schooners of mid-strength beer
2 pints light beer
3-4 nips of spirits (straight or mixed with water or soda)
3 spirits mixed with diet soft drink
2 spirits mixed with regular soft drink
1 can or bottle pre-mixed spirits e.g. Rum & Coke, Smirnoff Ice, UDL
0.75 - 1 creamy cocktail
1-1.5 juice based cocktail
1 large glass fortified wine
½ bottle red, white or sparkling wine
What do the guidelines recommend?
For healthy men and women, drinking no more than two standard drinks on any day reduces your risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury over a lifetime.
Drinking no more than four standard drinks on a single occasion reduces the risk of alcohol-related injury arising from that occasion.