Sunnybank Nutrition clinic details location map hours Eat Smart Nutrition Consultants Brisbane Qld

Eat Smart Nutrition Clinic

Sunnybank Qld

Location Map and Hours

ATTN: Due to our relocation, Eat Smart will no longer operate in our SUNNYBANK clinic after the 31 August.

Holly and Joseph will continue to see clients at the new Macgregor clinic


We reccomend you look at our new location, 8min from the previous location:

Eat Smart Macgregor

Clinic Address Details

Sunnybank Sportscare Physiotherapy
Suite 12 (1st Floor)
309 Mains Road
QLD 4109
Ph: (07) 3344 1911
Fax: (07) 3344 7203

Our Sunnybank clinic is housed within Sportscare Physiotherapy.
There is onsite parking available in the carparks below the building,
Entry to the carpark is via Lewina St.
There is a parking attendant to advise where to park, usualy this is on the 1st carpark floor.
Please take the elevator to level 1, and enter Sportscare Physiotherapy, the receptionists will then check you into the clinic.